The 5 Human Design Types

Within the Human Design system, there are five Human Design types:

  1. Manifestors

  2. Generators

  3. Manifesting Generators

  4. Projectors

  5. Reflectors

Each type has a general role they are here to fulfill and a strategy that helps them to work with rather than against the natural flow of their energy.

Much of what you learn about yourself within the lens of Human Design has to do with your unique energetic blueprint. This blueprint shows you how your energy naturally flows within different areas of your life. When you learn to work with that natural flow, it opens up a more easeful way to move through life.


Manifestors make up 9% of the population and are here to initiate. They are the trailblazers and change makers and have an ability to ignite others into action. They are the only type that can initiate projects and ideas without some sort of external cue because their inspiration comes directly from Source.

They have a strong energetic aura that can be felt by others around them. As such, their strategy is to inform others before they act. This doesn’t mean they need to ask for permission. In fact, because of their powerful initiating energy, they aren’t here to be told what to do or what not to do. However, by informing others before acting, it gives people around them a chance to move out of their way, to support them or to be inspired into acti0n.


Generators make up 37% of the population and are here to build, to do the work and to become masterful at the art of building and working. Their role to build and work gives them access to the energy required to fulfill that role as long as they are using their strategy, which is to wait to respond.

They are designed to dance and continuously cultivate their relationship with the universe as they create. Before leaping into action by internal inspiration alone, they can find a more easeful path by waiting to respond to clues, cues, and signals that the universe sends them within their environment.


You can think of Manifesting Generators like a hybrid of Manifestors and Generators. They make up 33% of the population. They’re mostly known as a being a Generator type with Manifestor qualities. Like pure Generators, they are here to do the work, to build and to master the art of working and building. They have a non-linear approach to life, look for shortcuts to their mastery, a desire to sample #allofthethings and are here to remind us to be lit up by life.

They have a dual strategy of informing before acting (from their Manifestor side) and waiting to respond (from their Generator side).


Projectors make up 20% of the population. They are intuitively connected to what’s possible. Projectors are here to know and guide others towards that possibility. They hold within them the template for a new era in humanity and their role is to help the rest of us move into that new era.

Before they share their immense wisdom of what’s possible for an individual or for whatever they are involved in, the projector strategy is to wait to be invited. These invitations show them who they are here to guide.


Reflectors are our shiny unicorns and make up just 1% of the population. They have an important role to reflect how well the communities they are in are doing. They have the unique ability to hold up a mirror to others around them so they can see themselves reflected in the reflector’s experience.

Because they are constantly reflecting, sampling and amplifying the energy around them, they need time to tease out everyone else’s energy from their own. It’s important for them to take more time than others to feel into their decisions. As such, their strategy is to wait a full moon cycle to make big decisions in their lives.


You can request your free human design chart here. You’ll need your date, exact time and place of birth.


Human Design is a deeply layered system, with lots to explore and get to know within your individual chart. With that said, there’s a lot of ease to be gained just from living according to your type and strategy. Explore what this can look like for you. The more you play around with your unique strategy, the more natural it feels. You’ll notice how much more energetically connected you are to the decisions you make.

To learn more or for support with putting your design into action, you may find that working with a Human Design Specialist can help you better understand the foundations of your chart as well as how to implement best practices tailored for you and what’s showing up in your life today.

You may be interested in this blog post: What is Human Design? An Introduction.


Anna Salumbides is an Energy Coach and Energy Healing Practitioner. She’s certified in Human Design, Emotion Code and Theta Healing and offers remote support over Zoom to clients all over the globe. Schedule a clarity call to explore if working with Anna as your Energy Coach is right for you.

Anna SalumbidesHuman Design